Notice to Parents

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In order to ensure comprehensive education of their wards, it is important that parents work in unison with the school and cooperate with the school authorities. Parents must help children in imbibing values of work and discipline conceived by the Institution and nurture them in a sense of loyalty to the Institution.

  1. Parents are advised that they follow the progress of their wards by analysing their performance in tests and examinations.
  2. They should communicate directly with the Principal regarding any problem.
  3. Parents must sign the remarks made by their subject teachers in the school This is a proof that parents have read the remarks .
  4. Personal cleanliness and hygiene of your ward must be taken care of.
  5. Make sure that your wards are in proper uniform and shoes as prescribed by the school.
  6. Prior written application should be submitted if the student would be absent for medical reasons. Medical certificate should be submitted if your ward is absent for medical reasons.
  7. Unexplained absence for more than a month justifies cancellation of your ward’s name from the school register without any warning.
  8. A month’s notice in writing is to be given before the withdrawal of your ward or else fees for the same would be charged.
  9. It is preferable that both parents and the student are present during the Parent-Teacher Meetings every 2nd and 4th Staurdays.
  10. The school will not entertain any request for change in section once allotted.
  11. Students are not allowed to bring crackers, colours, fancy materials and electronic gadgets to school. Bursting of crackers and playing with colours in the school premises is a punishable offence.
  12. If your ward has to leave the school campus during school hours, it should be notified in the school diary with parent’s/guardian’s signature.
  13. Parents are requested to drop their wards at the main Please do not accompany your wards to the classroom. This would encourage independence and responsibility amongst the children.
  14. It is mandatory to attend all PTA meetings and compulsory for the school students to come in uniform while accompanying their parents to school.
  15. Parents must collect their wards’ Progress Report in person. The Progress Report will not be given to the students/relatives/tuition teachers.
  16. The name, class, section and roll number of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings of the child, eg. sweaters, jackets, shoes etc. The school will not be responsible for the lost materials.
  17. Parents must provide the school with details of the alternative guardian and update it whenever there is a need.
  18. If you get a message from the school after a disaster, inform other parents in your contact.
  19. Once you reach the school, cooperate with the school Remember they too have faced the disaster.
  20. If you are unable to reach the school, contact the guardian and make sure they pick up your child.
  21. Parents should ensure that the students are having the following;
    • Aadhar Card
    • Bank Account
    • Life Insurance
  22. Pupils suffering from infections /contagious diseases will not be allowed to attend school. Only on product of a fitness certificate from a medical officer, the student will be allowed to return to school.
  23. When long leave / leave during tests and examinations become necessary due to unavoidable circumstances, permission from the Principal has to be sought and obtained in advance.

Every year the school organizes the world’s biggest OLYMPIAD EXAM which is conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation.

IGKO 1 to 12 6th September, 2019
IEO 1 to 12 15th October, 2019
NSO 1 to 12 21st November, 2019
IMO 1 to 12 5th December, 2019
ICO 11-12 (Commerce) 28th November, 2019

Note: Any change in the schedule will be notified in advance.