Seminar for Students

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Seminar for Students

Seminar for Students

A seminar for the students of class 10 A and B was organized by B.N.Patel Institute Of Paramedical and Science, Paramedical Division under the guidance of the Principal Madhuri Chandrasekhar on 15th July,to make the students aware about what is Endoscopy, Kidney Dialysis and Angiography? How is it done? Why? and what are its side effects? As these are the latest topics included in the science textbook of class 10, the students were explained through PPT, diagrams, and open house sessions by the team of doctors of B.N.Patel Institute of Paramedical. The doctors practically explained and showed the students how Angiography and Dialysis is done by taking them to the live patients in Cardio and Dialysis Department. A great experience for the students with new teaching￾learning methodology used by practical experience.